About Passion Drivers

Traits that describe Mark Van Baale (the person behind Passion Drivers) would be one who is always willing to offer someone a hand, helpful, caring, funny, and loyal. He is a father to two wonderful kids, husband to his love of the last 11 years, and all-around good guy. 🙂 He loves all things social media and really enjoys teaching others how to use conversation/collaboration tools like Twitter, Facebook, blogging, etc. He is an avid outdoorsman that enjoys hiking, exploring off the beaten path places, and introducing his kids to nature.

This blog is an outpost where Mark will share stories of people he has met who have passions that bring them alive in life.

One response

22 11 2009
Tony Faustino

Mark, I found your blog as I was reviewing your VisualCV. This is a wonderful site and I love the interviews you share. I’m looking forward to subscribing and keeping up with these wonderful stories you share.

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